Episode 43 - Lots of Outdoor Highlights!
Too much to do and not enough time to do it — that’s the story for me this week. So for this episode, I’m expanding the Outdoor Highlights. Gosh — there’s a lot going on!
Alley Pond Park Trail Maintenance Morning
Earth Explorers: Oceans, Climate and Space
Birding for Beginners Walk at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
World Wetlands Day Discovery Hike at Brookville Park
World Wetlands Day Celebration at Idewild Park
Hands-On Black History: Oysters! at Rufus King Park
Birding: All About Woodpeckers at Alley Pond Park
Wildlife Viewing: Groundhogs at Fort Totten Park
Life Along the Flushing River: A History at the Queens Historical Society
Compost Build Community Volutneer Day at Queens Botanical Garden
Idewild’s Science Book Club at Idewild Park
Design Presentation for the Shoreline Restoration Project in Ramblersville, Howard Beach